Friday, June 6, 2008

First Two Days and I'm living great!

Hola Todos!
Well this is the first oppportunity I have had to sit down and actually write a little! I arrived in Santo Domingo a little before 11am and Kristin was waiting to pick me up! We drove home, ate a quick lunch (rice, beans, and beef of course!), unpacked my bag only to make my bed and set off to meet the truck driver with our shipping crates of donations from the states. Kristin, Lily, Daniel, and I ended up sitting at a gas station for about 2 hours for the driver to final arrive! It was pretty typical for the Dominican considering they told us it would only be a 15 minutes wait there! Once the truck arrived we drove about another 25 minutes to the Presbyterian Offices to unload the truck with about 25 helpers from a local church. It took three hours to unload the entire crate even with all the help. Afterwards we had a chance to talk with the members of the church while we ate the dinner the women made for us. (P.S. MOM, DAD, SIBLINGS, AND FRIENDS WHO KNOW MY HATRED FOR KETCHUP-I ATE A KETCHUP, MAYONNAISE, AND CHEESE SANDWHICH FOR DINNER AND HAD NO CLUE WHAT IT WAS. BUT I LOVED IT. LOOKS LIKE I WAS WRONG ABOUT THIS TOMATO BASED PRODUCT!!) On the way home Kristin stopped at the local bakery and bought us all great iced fruit slushie-like drinks to cool off with. We returned home about 830 to eat pizza and have an all girls dance party to Whitney Houston and then we all fell asleep in the living room watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Once we woke up again, Lily and I were certain it was time for bed after some night prayer together, but boy were we wrong. Kristin then had us climb a steel door on to the roof of the house so we could look at the stars and pray together in her favorite spot. It was an awesome experience once I mustered up the courage to climb onto the roof and suprisingly enough, getting down was actually easier than climbing up. I slept great in my own room and stars wars sheets! Then I awoke this morning on my own around 830ish (I'm not really sure because I don't have a watch nor have I yet to see a clock in the house). Waking up this morning was amazing. I awoke to the school children laughing and playing outside my window and I was filled with happiness. It was almost creepy. I got to spend sometime this morning bymyself to read some pearls of wisdom from Max Lucado. It was really nice to reflect on some bible verses by myself before anyone else was awake and running around. I also met Joy today who came in from a neighboring town. Joy, Lily, and I returned to the Presbyterian offices today to organize all the things we unpacked yesterday. We worked on bagging clothes, organizing toys and medicines almost all day until about 330. It was a really awesome experience to get to unpack the things that I and Horton had just packed a few weeks ago in the states. I kept finding tons of clothes that Liz and I had donated. It is nice to actually see it being put to use! I went to the grocery store with Kristin and Joy today after working at the offices and picked up some grocerys for dinner. We had a real Dominican dinner...sloppy joes! And now we are just watching some television and hanging out drinking some of the strongest coffee known to man and I'm not sure why considering it's 9 at night. Oh well, I guess I will have energy for our ridiculous dancing party we are planning. I would have put pictuers up but I lost my camera today for about 18 hours so I wasn't able to take any pictures! Sorry! I'm going to go now, but I hope everything at home is going well! I miss everyone very much! I'm doing great so Mom and Dad-Don't worry!!!! I love you very very very much! I'll post again soon! P.S. Mom-last night I lead the girls in yoga on the roof! We did some cool tree poses and Proud Warrior! Seeee you thought I didnt' listen to you! Thanks for the lessons! They came in handy! The girls say you sound really fun! Namaste!
Love you all!
Dios te bendiga-God Bless You


  1. LEAH!! omg i felt like i was there with you-- that sounds amazing and i almost felt transported back to when i was emailing ppl back home from germany =) oh and i told my mom tonight about my belly button-- acutally i asked her how she felt about about tattoos knowing she doesnt want me getting one and like i predicted she goes oh god no i hope u dont have one the only thing i like are belly button rings and i go good and lift up my shirt =) and she screamed like a girl and was like OMGGG IS THAT REAL OMG OMG OMG AHHHHHHHH but she likes it and then she started just laughing after i showed her and wouldnt stop and it was creepy =) hehehehe so u can post this comment.. your past 2 days sounds FABULOUS! thats so great that the medicine u and i packed up is now resurfacing =) how'd unpacking your personal suitcases go?
    Horton <333

  2. So glad to hear your time in the DR is off to a great start. Keep the messages coming--we can't wait to join you!

  3. LEAH I GOT ACCEPTED INTO LASALLE UNIVERSITY TODAY!! i called and texted your phone even tho i know you won't get it until july.. hehehe =) im so absolutely floored.. im happy but still need to see where i stand with drexel before i make a decision about lasalle.. lots of love and luck to you! hope you're not getting to sunburned =)


  4. Hey Kiddo
    Sounds great so far, glad you are having fun. Ketchup is spelled like this.
    Love Beck
