Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Laundry Day

Hey Everybody-
I realize I haven't written in a few days so I decided to take the time and post while I am waiting for my laundry to finish! The last few days have been busy. Daniel, Isidro, and I went to different Presby. Offices for Monday and Tuesday to organize and inventory the meds. It turned out to be a bigger task than we thought, but God granted us the energy to keep on trucking. Yesterday turned out to be a test of our patience. While we were trying to organize meds. a lot of children from the neighborhood came over and started helping us. This is a pretty normal thing they usually like to help where they can while we are there working. Everything was going fine, but then the children started going through the boxes of donations and lose meds. and it became pretty crazy, really fast. It is frustrating to see that these children were trying to take the food and meds. for their families and we had to tell them no. We were planning on giving the children vitamins and food after they were done, and we still did. It just was extremelly as frustrating to see them trying to sneak it into there pockets or shirts when all they had to do was wait. We eventually had to send them home because it was getting to chaotic. I thank God for giving me the patience to handle the situation calmly. Everynight the girls all get together and pray and I think for every night so far, every one of us has prayed for patience. Whether it be patience with each other, ourselves, and frustrating situations such as the one I just wrote about. I think God speaks to us in many ways and today I experienced a small blessing. Carrie Steele "Mama Steele" gave me a book by Max Lucado before I left called "God's Promises for You". She told me to take the time each day to read a little segment from it, so I took her advice and it is awesome. I try every morning to read it as soon as I wake up. I have even put it above my head, tucked in between the top mattress of the bunkbed and the bars so when I wake up it is the first thing I see. Before my feet even touch the floor I try to read the bible verses and small food for thought it has and then pray. I believe it is the best way to start the day. I often share the entries with the girls while we are together. Some food for thought for us to chew on throughout the day. (So...I should get to why I am saying of this.) Today I woke up and opened the book to the next entry and it was titled: "Promises about Patience". So it really spoke to me and made me thank God for giving me the ability to remain calm and collected yesterday. I'm going to share the bible verses Max Lucado included and let you meditate on them as well:

"We also have joy with our troubles,
because we know that theese troubles produce patience.
And patience produces character, and character produces hope.
And this hope will never disappoint us, because God has poured out his love to fill our hearts."
Romans 5:3-5
"My brothers and sisters, when you have many kinds of troubles,
you should be full of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith,
and this will give you patience. Let your patience show itself perfectly in what you do.
Then you will be perfect and complete and will have everything you need."
James 1:2-4
I also would like to share with you something my Mom has said to me. (Mom, I'm not sure if you even remembered saying this to me, but it sure has stuck in my head. So thank you.) This one day I believe I was complaning about something, and Mom said to me "Just be happy that you are here being able to complain." Or something on the lines of that. But, WOW, has that helped me appreciate everything that I have been given. When it is hott outside and we have been hauling meds. up and down stairs, in and out rooms; I don't complain because I'm happy to be here, and I'm happy to have a body that is able to do this work and even able to complain. (Becky and Liz-For real. I know it is hard to believe.) So next time you want to complain!!!! Just stop, and thank God for being able to complain! And Mom-Thanks for this as well because now the girls are saying this constantly. "Be happy for what your body can offer you today!" Love you all. Miss you all! Practice Patience!
God Bless You


  1. Leah, we are all so proud of you, not only in what you are now doing but proud of the godly young woman than you have grown in to. I remember another time earlier this year, under much sadder circumstances, when we all saw God's light shining through you and your words. Thank you for writing and inspiring us here at home. I'm off to the bookstore now.
    Love you and praying for you,

  2. wow leah thats truly amazing! and thats so awesome that u had the patience to handle the situation with the kids because it can be frustrating or disheartening and its not like you can vent or yell at them because then where does that leave everything but you all showed them a valuable trait as well as God's love... keep at what you're doing and in another week I'm willing to bet you will see even more noticeable beneficial changes in your environment! =) Love and miss you!! Be safe and my momma says hey! I showed her your pictures and she got all awww saying look at leah and oh what a cool person that leah is.. hahaha
    horton =)
